The International Conference IDT'2019 is next Conference after the International Conference on Digital Technologies that was held in Zilina traditionally. The aim of the conference
is to bring together researches, developers, teachers from academy as well as industry working in all areas of information technologies. Young researchers and postgraduate PhD students
are greatly welcome to participate in this event. The special section for such presentations will be at the Conference. Beside the scientific field, several cultural and social events
are planned for the enjoyment of conference attendees. Papers presented at the Conference and included in the IDT 2019 Proceedings will be considered for indexing
in IEEEXplore, Scopus and Web of Science.
The previous Conferences (IDT 2015 and
IDT 2016
IDT 2017 ) organized by the organizational team of IDT 2019 were indexed
in IEEEXplore, Scopus and Web of Science.
Organized by