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Registration fee payment due

Registration fees IDT 2016

Price in EUR

Price in PLN (for Polish participants)


350 €

1400 PLN

IEEE Member or ESRA Member

300 €

1200 PLN

PH.D. Student

280 €

1120 PLN

Participant from countries of the former Soviet Union

200 €



Regular conference Fee will be 350 Euro. For IEEE members and ESRA members will be the registration fee 300 Euro.

The conference organizers will grant by Short Conference Fee for the limited number of speakers. Grant recipients will be selected from among other candidates based on examination of submitted papers. To participate in the competition it is necessary to send a request to an e-mail of organization committee. The Short Conference Fee includes technical programme attendance, one copy of the proceedings, lunches and coffee-breaks.

Please, send information about your participation by e-mail to the address: idt@fri.uniza.sk providing the following details:

- name
- affiliation
- detail postal address of your institution and URL
- e-mail (official institutional e-mail)
- detail about payment (date of bank transaction, receipt)

The registration fee should be paid by June 20, 2015.

For the payment by bank transfer, please use the following data:

Name of the account holder: Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

Address of the account holder: ul. Rejtana 16 C, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland

Name of the bank: Podkarpacki Bank Spółdzielczy Oddział w Rzeszowie

Address of the bank: ul. Podwisłocze 21, 35-959 Rzeszów

Account No.: PL 48 8642 1126 2012 1119 9353 0001
IBAN: PL 48 8642 1126 2012 1119 9353 0001

Swift code: POLUPLPR

Add purpose indication: IDT 2016 conference fee for Mr/Ms ... for the paper(s) ...

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