International Workshop on Biomedical Technologies
- The International Workshop on Biomedical Technologies is organized under project University-Industry Educational Centre in Advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI) (project number 612462-EPP-1-2019-1-SK-EPPKA2-KA) supported by Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
- This workshop is organized as an event of APVV project Vývoj metód hodnotenia rizika a spoľahlivosti systému zdravotnej starostlivosti v dobe koronavírusu (project number PP-COVID-20-0013).
- This workshop is organized as an event of KEGA project Creation of methodological and learning materials for Biomedical Informatics – a new engineering program at the UNIZA (project number reg. no.KEGA009ŽU-4/2020).
The BT 2023 workshop will be held simultaneously take place during the conference Information and Digital Technologies (IDT 2023). This workshop is intended for PhD students, researchers, and educators. The main goal of the workshop is a presentation of projectsresults to representatives from the EU and other countries. The researchers can present at the workshop with their lectures about own scientific research. The next aim is to establish and expand international contacts and co-operation of researchers.
All presentations must be prepared in English. The submissions should also include the paper's title, authors' names and name of his scientific advisor, affiliations, addresses, name of an author to contact for correspondence, the e-mail address of the author.
Topics of the Section:
You are invited to submit a paper in the area of biomedical based identities, including but not limited to: